Chickle Mania: TikTok's Cheesy Pickle Craze Takes Snacking to a New Level


Cheese + Pickle = Chickle! This chickle is a fun snack recipe from TikTok where a slice of cheese is fried until crispy and wrapped around a pickle. Find out how to make this chickle recipe even better in this foolproof chickle recipe! Happy Hour at home will be the happiest hour with these.

Sometimes Tiktok recipes are so interesting and clever that you cannot help but try them. The chickle is one of those ideas. yo7u've probably already heard of those delicious parmesan crisps that are basically just grated parmesan baked in the oven until crisp. Well the chickle pairs that deliciousness with a pickle. And I also add some salami and a dipping sauce to upgrade the experience!


Tips For Making Chickles

1 - Chickles are very easy to make, they just take a few minutes to cook. I recommend using full fat cheese and not reduced fat cheese.

2 - I used a non stick pan. Don't add the cheese until the pan is hot.

3 - It takes around 5 minutes to get the cheese golden on the bottom side. This means that it will be crisp and crunchy. If you fold it up before then the cheese won't have that wonderful crispness.

4 - I'd recommend doing one chickle at a time for the first couple and once you get the hang of it, you can fry multiple ones at the same time.

5 - I added salami and ham and they were both delicious. I used a truffle pasta sauce and dipping the chickle into the sauce really gave it crispy pizza vibes!


I'll basically take any chance to have pizza in my life. Every Friday we make pizza at home and if it's a good week I will also go out for pizza, like last week. I like to think that I'm a smart person and so are my friends but Monica and I had a moment. I picked up four takeaway pizzas for us and drove to her house. It was just going to be Monica and I and the boys would eat what was leftover when they came home. I paid the $106 and we were just going to split it evenly later.

Our plan was to have dessert at a Thai dessert place nearby. Monica drove us there and we ordered 4 desserts. "Do you want to pay for this?" I asked Monica and she agreed. "How much was the pizza?" she asked and I told her the total was $106. Then we looked at the receipt for the dessert and saw that it was $53. "What are the chances of that? It's half of that!" I said.

"I'll just pay for this and we'll call it even," she said and I happily agreed marvelling at how it had just worked out so well and what a coincidence it was. We both took our pizza and desserts home to our hungry partners who were both too busy to join us (Marco was working and Mr NQN was wing foiling).

At home I was telling Mr NQN about the coincidence about the money while he was contentedly chewing on a piece of pizza. "It was literally half so we just called it even," I said to him. Mr NQN looked at me with a strange look in his eye. "You know that's not right..." he said. "You didn't split the bill at all, I think she still owes you."

And then the penny dropped so to speak. While Monica and I are not really dummies, we are both HORRIBLE at maths and are not to be trusted when it comes to dividing up bills!

So tell me Dear Reader, are you good at Maths and splitting up bills? Have you ever tried a chickle?


Did you make this recipe? Share your creations by tagging @notquitenigella on Instagram with the hashtag #notquitenigella
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An Original Recipe by Lorraine Elliott

Preparation time: 2 minutes

Cooking time: 5 minutes per chickle

  • 6 slices tasty or cheddar cheese
  • 6 slices salami or ham
  • 1.5 whole pickles
  • 1/2 cup your favourite marinara tomato pasta sauce

Once cheese is bubbling add the salami and pickle


Wait until edges are golden brown

Step 1 - Cut the pickles into long quarters. Place a non stick pan on medium heat. Once it has reached temperature turn down to low medium heat. Place the slice of cheese on the pan and when it starts bubbling add the salami or ham and the quarter pickle. Allow to cook on low medium heat for 3-4 minutes until the cheese turns slightly darker and gets smaller bubbles. If you turn it over with a kitchen spatula, the bottom should be golden brown and crisp.

Fold up the sides

Step 2 -Gently fold over both sides so that it is wrapped up. Serve with tomato marinara sauce (it's best when served within 5 minutes or so).


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