Overnight Oats


This month has been an eventful one with the release of the book and all that that entails. I've tried to cook as much at home as possible and keep up the healthy slash indulgent frenzied eating pattern that seems to be ingrained in my DNA. Apart from the release of my book, this month was also the month of my birthday so I have some very interesting things to show you that are in my kitchen, the monthly event that my dear friend Celia from Fig Jam & Lime Cordialhosts. So without further ado, please allow to show you some of the new things in my kitchen!


These Jell-o molds are from my dear friend Faith from An Edible Mosaic in America. Every year we send each other a big box for Christmas. I stuff her present with Donna Hay goodies from the shop and she finds the most intriguing and fabulous things to send me including these gorgeous vintage molds!


I bought this cute little lady from Hawaii, from a little vintage store called Antique Boutique in Makawao. She looks like Little Red Riding Hood and is a small 7cm high bronze dinner bell! However, please note that ringing this bell doesn't mean that Mr NQN will play butler. I've tried to get a cup of tea to no avail... :)


Aren't these wooden spools darling? I saw these on my friend Linda's blog (who has the Sweets on a Stick book!) and cooed over them wondering where I could buy them. I promise I wasn't hinting and then a couple of weeks later, a surprise package arrived in the mail from Linda. I love the feel of these and am picturing some little sweeties on them.


And speaking of Celia, this is a beautiful wheel of Amedei Chuao chocolate that Celia gave me. She used a Moroccan mold that she bought from Harkola spices and I thought that it belonged on these plates that I bought from Jordan a while back. Every day Mr NQN asked if I had taken a photo of it because he was eager to eat it!


I also got these walnuts from another friend Tania from My Kitchen Storieswho works at Lario International. They import loads of Italian goodies and these walnuts are literally the best walnuts that I've ever tasted. These Lara organic walnuts are Italian grown from a French heirloom variety and they're completely devoid of that bitterness that most walnuts have. They're lighter in colour than supermarket walnuts and did you know that as walnuts age, the skins turn darker in colour and manufacturers get around this by bleaching them? These ones aren't and they are hand harvested and packed quickly. Although they're more expensive than your regular nuts at $40 a kilo, they're absolutely sublime.


One last thing that you'll find in my fridge are Overnight Oats which is one of the easiest recipes that I've made. I've become really quite taken with making a big batch of easy oats that you simply layer or mix together and leave to steep overnight with whatever fruit or yogurt that you like. I've seen it across so many blogs over the past few months with different variations and so when I discovered that Mr NQN hadn't eaten the banana from his lunch and that it was looking a little worse for wear, I decided to make him overnight oats. As luck would have it, I had just half a cup left in the bag of oats. I tossed in some frozen berries and some honey to add colour and  sweetness and some nuts on top and soaked them with some fruit juice although water does just fine. I fed them to Mr NQN the next morning and by the time I turned around and made myself a cup of tea, the entire jug had vanished and he had asked for some to go into his lunchbox for breakfast!

So tell me Dear Reader, do you wake up famished or can you wait some time before eating? And what are you eating for breakfast this Sunday morning?

And a happy Mother's Day to all the mums out there! I hope that you all get thoroughly spoiled and appreciated, not just today but every day!


Overnight Oats

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Makes one glass jar of oats

  • 1/2 cup oatmeal

  • 1/2 cup yogurt

  • 1/2 cup fresh or frozen fruit

  • Water, milk or juice to soften

  • 2 tablespoons honey

  • Nuts on top (optional)

Step 1 - You can either mix all of the ingredients together in a bowl and stash them in a bowl or glass in the fridge overnight. I layered it to make it look a bit nicer but that's not necessary at all.


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