Oh 2019 you really threw me for a loop! What was definitely my most challenging adult year was peppered with super highs and super lows. The only constant was delicious food! Dear Reader, let's take a look into which recipes, restaurants and travel destinations you liked best!
Every year when I get these figures from Mr NQN I always look forward to seeing what resonated with you. I think I know what you'll like but I'm never 100% sure!
I also just want to take the time to say thank you too for always reading, commenting and sending me love. It truly means the world to me especially on a rollercoaster year like this. Some of you have been reading since the beginning in 2007 and I remain your most humble correspondent.
I hope that 2020 is a brilliant year for all of you in this lovely community!
Lots of love,
Did you make this recipe? Share your creations by tagging @notquitenigella on Instagram with the hashtag #notquitenigella
I know I haven't done many food challenge stories this year but I hear you loud and clear-you want more! The Korean Fried Chicken challenge was a delicious, exhausting and exhilarating day of eating. I loved the diversity in this list too from KFC, Ramadan celebrations, Filipino food, crab dinner to a bakery cafe.
You guys certainly know which end of the plane you're interested in and that ranged from low cost airlines like Air Asia to premium ones like Qatar. Even an airline lounge got a look in! Although my trip to Sri Lanka was later in the year, both stories made it into the top 10. You also seem to like reading about cruising because both my cruise posts were in the top 10 even in they didn't make the top 5.
So tell me Dear Reader, is there a post that you liked best that didn't quite make the list or one in the list that you liked? Is there a country you'd like to read about or a recipe you'd like me to make?
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