Well here we are Dear Reader, it's the end of 2021 and just when we thought 2020 was the worst year ever, 2021 came along and said, "Hold My Beer". This year was full of surprises-the good and bad kind and one constant is that when there are lows, there are always highs. So tell me Dear Reader, what did YOU like to read about in 2021?
This year I've received so many lovely emails, DMs and comments from you saying thank you for keeping the blog going. But truthfully my loves we've clung to each other and I've gotten just as much from being busy with a purpose and talking with you all here than you have from me. It means so much having this group of Dear Readers who support me and encourage me to create these recipes, recommend restaurants and travel (well we didn't do so much of that this year) . It has helped me so much during this tumultuous year.
In January there will be one slight change just for a month. Because we are going away for a holiday and moving in January I am just moving the blog to Monday to Friday so that I will have the weekend off. This is definitely temporary and will allow me time to move house and enjoy a holiday. I'll still be reading and writing to you 5 days a week and there will be lots of delicious recipes and reviews I promise. And there will also be some new podcast episodes coming after that too (thank you for your incredibly lovely messages about Your Cake Dealer!).
Massive thanks and hugs for your heartfelt comments and for reading and sharing the blog with your loved ones. And to the people that sent me personal emails, I thank you too (you know who you are). They always seemed to come at a time this year where the rollercoaster was on its way down and just a few simple words can buoy one up so much.
So tell me Dear Reader, which stories did you enjoy the most?
Lots of love,
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